Charts & Reports

2 min read

SumoSum offers charts and reports that render in real-time as variables are entered on the Modeling Panel. Access charts and reports by clicking the Download PNG or PDF graphic formats of Charts and Reports by clicking the “Export” button in the far right of the accordion bar and follow the instructions.

Charts: See your financial strategy come to life through SumoSum visual insight graphics.

1. All: An overview of 6 financial forecast insight charts. Each chart is also available in a larger view panel through the tabs that follow “All.”

2. Sales vs. Expenses: A bar chart that compares monthly sales revenue to expenses.

3. Sales Breakdown: A pie chart that shows relative levels of product sales.

4. Cash Balance: A line chart that shows a monthly running balance of cash on hand.

5. Cash Flow: A bar chart that shows each month’s net difference in cash reserves.

6. Use of Funds: A pie chart that shows relative levels of expenditures for Products, Assets, Employees, Owner’s Draw, Marketing, Administration and Services.

7. Burn Rate: A bar chart that shows monthly resources necessary to pay for all expenses including COGs, sales commissions, employee wages, employee benefits, owner’s draw, asset purchases, marketing, administrative costs, services, interest, dividends and taxes.

Reports: SumoSum includes key financial forecast reports that include assumption Footnotes.

1. Income Statement: An Income Statement provides valuable insights into operations, operational efficiency and performance. Also known as a Profit & Loss Statement or Statement of Revenue & Expenses, an Income Statement reports on a project’s or entity’s revenues and expenses during a specific period. Revenue is defined as earned income such as product sales and does not include funding and other non-sales income. Expenses are all costs including product and overhead costs.

2. Cash Flow: A Cash Flow Statement provides insight on a project’s or entity’s ability to generate positive cash flow, also known as profit. Cash flow is determined by subtracting all expenditures for product, assets, overhead and other expenses from revenue within a period.

3. Balance Sheet: A Balance Sheet Statement provides a basis for understanding rate of return and evaluating an entity’s capital or asset structure. It’s a snapshot of what the entity owns and owes, as well as the amount invested by shareholders and it reports on assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity.

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