Personal Account

2 min read

To edit or view personal account settings, click the personal avatar image in the upper right of any screen to activate a drop-down menu of options. Options include editing personal profile, email, password, membership plan and payment method. Users can also view their existing membership plan and payment history.

Personal Profile: Edit name, tagline, bio, website, address and social media pages by updating text fields and clicking “Save.” Avatar and background images can be updated by clicking camera icons to open upload and edit features.

Password & Email: Change account password or email by entering new information and click “Save.”

Payment Methods: Change membership plan by selecting a plan other than existing or change payment method by entering new credit card information. Changes to membership plans take effect upon the end of the previous plan’s term. Users can also view transaction history.

Upgrade Account: Accounts can be upgraded at anytime by visiting Profile/Settings/Payment. Select a new membership package. Upon upgrading, your new membership account features become active immediately.

Downgrade Account: Accounts can be downgraded at anytime by visiting Profile/Settings/Payment. Select a new membership package. Your current membership package will run as-is until the end of term at which time your new downgraded membership features will take effect.

Dormant Accounts: Accounts that are unpaid for any reason, such as by end of paid term or credit cards that are not chargeable, automatically become dormant. Dormant account data remains in the system however is not accessible until membership payments are resumed.

Delete Account & Account Data: Accounts may be terminated and account information deleted at any time by visiting Edit Personal Profile and selecting “Delete Account.” You will have the option to allow your account to run the remainder of its paid term or have account data deleted immediately. Before deleting an account, consider transferring projects to co-managers so they may continue to use project data. If you are the only Manager of a project and you delete your account, the project’s data will be deleted and is not recoverable.

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